Since 2010 I lead Product Design at Tayasui where we create amazing apps.

I love cracking design problems with elegant solutions and, when possible, adding a dash of wit to the mix. Here are a few things about me.


To have a glimpse at our most prominent apps, have a look at Tayausi Homepage here

UI design
from the beginning


I've a lifelong passion for computers, the ultimate enabler.

I remember that in the early days, when my curiosity led me to hunt for informations about UI, the only resource I could find was the “Human Interaction Guidelines” by Apple. A rather dry read!

2D / 3D Animation

I started my career as a 2D and 3D animator and I founded a pioneering company in Paris, Tekila Numerique, where we used the Mac for broadcast post-production. During 10 years, we designed and animated hundreds of titles for major French broadcasters.

Talking Carl,
a turning point

Talking Carl

With the launch of the iPhone, I ventured into app creation and back to UI design, fulfilling a long-hidden passion.
With the help of a coding whiz, we created Talking Carl, a 2008 Christmas sensation that sold a million copies and made it into the MoMA!
This success paved the way to Tayasui and all the applications we had the chance to ship since.



My approach to design is quite simple:
An application is considered user-friendly when it behaves the way the user expects it to.
It’s up to us to make it so.

And wherever possible, it's our duty to make it cheerful.



No awards to brag about here, I was too busy working to pay for accolades.

And more

I find my best ideas walking out with my dog.
There's a saying that you should be wary of any idea that doesn't come to you while walking. I couldn’t agree more.

I  always have an artistic activity on the side, it started with photography and gradually moved into digital art. 

I’m also a avid reader and I have a soft spot for computer history. Yes, I'm a geek!

talking carl-open-mouth-3-on-white